intro loog

A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon
Diagnosing arrhythmia is like
playing the mole-catching game.
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Just Like in a Game of Whack-a-Mole
It’s Hard to Catch a Mole. Because You Don’t Know,
When It Will Pop up
Same as Whack-a Mole,
Detecting Arrhythmia Has Been Difficult
Because We Missed the Moment
When the Arrhythmia Event Occured
Mac' AI
*The importance of early diagnosis of arrhythmia.
By 2050, the global population aged 65 and older
will reach over 1.6 billion, accounting for 16.5% of the total population,
more than double the current number.
This unprecedented growth in size is remarkable

Ref. UN Reports, 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects

  • 160million people
  • 10percent
  • 1.9 trillion dollars
* The range of arrhythmias requiring treatment as defined by our company, known as CIA (Clinically Important Arrhythmia), includes the following types of diagnosed arrhythmias: Atrial Arrhythmia: atrial premature beats, premature atrial complexes, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, etc. Ventricular Premature Contraction: multiple premature contractions, ventricular premature beats, Ventricular Extrasystoles, etc. Bundle Branch Block: right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block, complete bundle branch block, etc
*The importance of early diagnosis of arrhythmia.
The increasing trend of arrhythmia prevalence according to age:
In the United States, arrhythmia prevalence among those aged 65 and older is 9%. In Sweden,
the prevalence among those aged 70 and older is 12.3%. An estimated global prevalence of 10% [1], [2]
  • 10percent
  • 1.9 trillion dollars
  • 160million people
[1] Go, A. S., Mozaffarian, D., Roger, V. L., Benjamin, E. J., Berry, J. D., Blaha, M. J., ... & American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. (2016). Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 133(4), e38-e360.
[2] Friberg, L., Hammar, N., Pettersson, H., & Rosenqvist, M. (2015). Increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation among elderly subjects in a defined population. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 8(2), 266-272.
*The importance of early diagnosis of arrhythmia.
In 2017, it was estimated that approximately
$1.9 trillion was spent globally on medical expenses due to strokes.
The significant societal burden due to aging is expected to intensify
  • 1.9 trillion dollars
  • 160million people
  • 10percent
[1] Go, A. S., Mozaffarian, D., Roger, V. L., Benjamin, E. J., Berry, J. D., Blaha, M. J., ... & American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. (2016). Heart disease and stroke statistics-2016 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 133(4), e38-e360.
[2] Friberg, L., Hammar, N., Pettersson, H., & Rosenqvist, M. (2015). Increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation among elderly subjects in a defined population. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 8(2), 266-272.
Mac' AI
The true value of prediction reveals
only when possibility comes along with specific time period
'Sometime, it will rain' and 'It will rain tomorrow'
clearly hold different values.
It's because it determines when and what I should do
Mac' AI is
the world's only
AI that predicts
the timing of arrhythmia.
Mac' AI
Until now, Diagnosing Arrhythmia Was Like
Vaguely Casting a Fishing Rod and Waiting
Mac' AI


Suspecting symptoms led to an ECG measurement,
but resulted in a normal diagnosis

Subjective judgments by the medical team.

Wearingdevices without predictive capabilities
can sometimes be meaningless suffering
The challenge of arrhythmia diagnosis,
failure in patient management
(side effects such as stroke, cardiac arrest, death, etc.)


  • mac
    Suspecting symptoms led to an ECG measurement,
    but resulted in a normal diagnosis
  • Subjective judgments by the medical team.

  • mac
    Wearingdevices without predictive capabilities
    can sometimes be meaningless suffering
  • mac
    The challenge of arrhythmia diagnosis,
    failure in patient management
    (side effects such as stroke, cardiac arrest, death, etc.)
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Just Like a SONAR Vessels that
Predicts the Movement Path of Fish and Spreads Fishing-nets,
It Predicts Arrhythmia Events
and Makes Sure to Catch Them.
Mac' AI


Suspecting symptoms led to an ECG measurement,
but resulted in a normal diagnosis

Mac' AI

Based on a dataset of over |3 million records,
make prediction of arrhythmia events.
(92.7% accuracy)
Based on evidence,
Holter monitoring or wearing wearable devices
Improvement in early diagnosis rates
Clear treatment strategies
Prevention of serious side effects


  • mac
    Suspecting symptoms led to an ECG measurement,
    but resulted in a normal diagnosis
  • Mac' AI
    Based on a dataset of over |3 million records,
    make prediction of arrhythmia events.
    (92.7% accuracy)
  • mac
    Based on evidence,
    Holter monitoring or wearing wearable devices
  • mac
    Improvement in early diagnosis rates
    Clear treatment strategies
    Prevention of serious side effects
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
It prevents stroke and sudden death through arrhythmia prediction.
Artificial intelligence smartly safeguards your and your family's future
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
Mac' AI
It captures hidden messages in each heartbeat,
not missing a single moment of cardiac activity.
Obsession with precision Proving it at an expert level.
Ignite Ignite
같지 않다

Ellipsoid measurement method:

Average error rate of
10 ~ 30%
'Error' is a word that doesn't align with our medical practice. It's not something we desire
The innovation crafted by A.I.

Experience the value of unparalleled accuracy and perfect healthcare in a new dimension

Easy Easy.
Your dedicated nights for the patients,
The healthy miracles you've built, now safeguarded by A.I.
Now, entrust it without worries.
Fast Fast.
With processing speeds over 500 times faster than humans,
While you sleep, it diligently completes all data tasks./div>
And of course, it never gets tired.
Precise Precise.
Mistakes are human nature Yet,accuracy is our AI's instinct.
Expert-level precision - even in repeated measurements, it shows a 100% match.
Set the standard as perfection. AI always aims for perfection
Adding precision to treatment.

Error-free healthcare, dedication that goes beyond perfection

Opening another level of the doctor-patient relationship. Artificial intelligence serves as a mediator.
Seeking the Doctor for Me: In Search of the Genuine Primary Care Physician.
[Scheduled to be released in the first half of 2024]